Lost and Found

If you have found a lost or stray animal in our catchment area, contact the Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre, Glendenning on 5300 6000. 

Legally, we cannot accept animals found outside of Blacktown Council area. If you found the animal outside this catchment area, phone your local council for advice.

Not sure whether BARC can accept an animal? We accept stray dogs found in our catchment area. We can also occasionally accept rabbits and other small animals (pocket pets) as well as livestock, please call before bringing in a stray animal.

BARC does not accept stray cats. Under the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998 cats are permitted to roam and it is illegal to trap a cat that is known to be owned. If you have found a stray cat please see the link "I have found a lost cat" below for more information.

For after hours emergencies involving a dog attack, please contact your local police station. Please note Council cannot collect stray animals after hours. Any after hours stray animal reports are to be referred to business hours for follow up.

If you have found an injured native animal, call WIRES on 1300 094 737.